Soul Care


The term “Soul Care” is used widely, in many contexts, and has deep historical roots. For millennia, the care of souls has been absolutely central to the mission and purpose of God’s people. Soul Care has also come to mean our personal resolve to build a life deeply connected to God—the path to true flourishing. That kind of life spills over into everything: work, relationships, service, art, leadership, health, and beyond. Our world is an increasingly fearful, angry, and isolating place. Leaders find themselves exhausted and depleted. People everywhere resonate with the need for inner wholeness, resilience, and general well-being. We have suffered through a global pandemic, bitter divisions, and even outright war. These are not new to the human story, but they are unprecedented in our lifetimes. Truly vibrant souls are able to sustainably bring real-world solutions and deep healing. The world needs soul care not only to feel better, which is important, but also in order to bring fresh energies and creativity in meeting the demands of reality. To that end, a growing virtual team has gathered to offer a deeply grounded posture of love, service, and clear invitation into this life. We partner with individuals, churches, organizations, and thought leaders around the world to further this work together. We believe the time is NOW, and we look forward to getting to know you, too.