What’s Next? A Guided Vocational Discernment Process

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Helps answer tension-inducing questions:

  • What is my purpose?
  • How can I live into my purpose in my vocation?
  • How does this impact my identity and my experience of my Self?
  • What are my giftings? How can I leverage those in my work?
  • Disrupts false narratives and introduces new, healthy frameworks around the meaning of work and relationship to identity

    Provides practical steps forward to explore the application of new frameworks and the seeking of purpose

    Who Should Apply?

  • Leaders in or approaching occupational transition
  • May be experiencing burnout or lack of engagement with current work
  • May be experiencing frustration with the inability to identify their purpose or not know how to lean into their purpose
  • May be operating with false narratives about vocational satisfaction, the role of work, the intersection of work and identity
  • May be someone approaching the second half of life transition
  • Someone looking to experience more meaning and satisfaction in their work
  • What to Expect

  • Three Video series that teaches a redemptive framework for what vocation really means, and how it intersects with identity, gifting, and work
  • Downloadable resource for Journaling exercises based on the videos that invite deeper processing of passions and values
  • Pre-work for the Vocation Direction session
  • Vocation Direction session with trained Vocation Director - 2 hour session to process vocational history, gift identification, and drivers and barriers for work satisfaction
  • Customized plan for moving forward in transition