Counseling for Pastors and their Families

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Apply for Scholarship

8 people have applied for this scholarship.


High performing leaders in every field have professionals in their corner to support them, you and your family deserve the same. Ministry is challenging, allow our professional counselors to come along side you, your marriage, and your family to heal from past pain and strengthen for future effectiveness. It’s our passion that you would find great joy and longevity in your Kingdom work, and that your kids wouldn’t hate the ministry. Don’t go it alone. We provide confidential care, conveniently online from your phone or computer, anywhere in the world.

Who Should Apply?

Pastors and ministry leaders who want to avoid burn-out and increase their effectiveness. Parents with teens struggling to navigate life with the challenges that come from being a ministry family. Ministry couples who wish to strengthen their marriage and/or their sex life.

What to Expect

Our process is simple and convenient. Once we receive your application our team will review your submission and reach out to schedule a Matching Meeting. In the Matching Meeting, the Specialist will answer any questions you may have. They will also pair you with a counselor trained to help you reach your goals and whose schedule fits with yours. Once you and your Specialist have gone over your questions and options, they will set you up with your first session. Counseling sessions are conducted via video conferencing, so you can conveniently participate from your home, office, or even your car!

What Recipients are Saying about this Scholarship

"“MyCounselor.Online has been a game changer; rather a life changing process. My counselor helped bring light to areas that were obscure, connect the dots where there seemed to be no path and helped by targeting specific issues needing to be addressed. I can’t say enough good things about my experience with my counselor and am just simply so grateful that we have met." "

Emily -

"“Are you hurting? Heavy burdens? Is your marriage hurting? Weary? Check. Check. Check. And Check!!!! Matt 11: 28-30. I LOVE “Let me teach you”! So grateful to learn about MyCounselor.Online and to be paired with my counselor! Her kindness and insights are so helpful as we understand more, the ruts we’re going through. Causes, pauses and better outcomes. My counselor’s style has that humble and gentle heart approach that passage speaks of. I’m excited for the promise Jesus gives, “…you will find rest for your souls.” Please, don’t wait! Most of us don’t (or can’t) learn how to thrive on our own. MyCounselor.Online (and my counselor in particular) is the catapult assisting us to get there." "

Russell -

"“I love my counselor's knowledgable, direct and pragmatic approach. He is so natural at creating a safe space to open up in full which has been transformative for me. I'm relieved to find someone who listens and cares about unpacking my thoughts and emotions at a core level in order to heal and thrive." "

Jared -