Bless your Neighborhood (or city)

Scholarship provided by The Flourishing Cooperative in partnership with Bless Every Home.
Apply for Scholarship

6 people have applied for this scholarship.


The Bless Every Home app puts technology in the hands of your Members to better equip them for missional impact outside the walls of the church. As they live on-mission, following a simple, pray, care and share lifestyle they grow as Christ followers and their actions reach their neighbors for Jesus and your church. You receive a dashboard of their activity and a map of their adopted neighborhoods. You also receive a list of New Movers weekly. The combination of your members living on-mission and your church receiving new movers gives you the opportunity to grow your church and your members while reaching the community with the love of Jesus.

Who Should Apply?

If you are a church that wants to grow your members and reach your community, you now have a dashboard that helps you see the missional activity of your members and the neighborhoods adopted.

What to Expect

Your members will be inspired and mobilized by a daily reminder to bless and pray for five neighbors. You will see outreach efforts increase. Remember that what you measure and praise in your church motivates action. Your church will grow as the commitment to live on-mission fuels your people’s passion. You will reach new, unchurched people. Your community will feel the love of Jesus as your people, live the prayer, care, and share lifestyle.

What Recipients are Saying about this Scholarship

"The daily reminder to pray motivated me to reach out to my neighbors. Right away, God opened a door for me to share my faith with a neighbor I’d never met before when we met at the mailbox. I now use Blesseveryhome daily."

Randy Frazee - Pastor

"I was standing in line at Target when I overheard a conversation at the register and realized the person in front of me was my neighbor. I knew her name because I’d been praying for her. After we both checked out, I introduced myself."

A blesseveryhome user - Kansas City Resident

"I’d been praying for the new neighbors who moved in by name because of blesseveryhome when I felt impressed to take over some freshly baked bread and a bottle of wine and introduce myself. They were glad to meet a new neighbor and later introduced me to some other neighbors they’d met. I told them welcome to the neighborhood and that I was a praying person. I’m glad to pray with them if something comes up."

Eric Swanson - City Transformation Advisor