Verified Impact, By Design

Gloo Impact is a revolutionary new way to deploy philanthropic dollars through Smart Grant™️ technology. Set criteria. Deploy capital based on verified actions, synergies, and outcomes. Watch your impact grow with real-time data.

The Smart Grant

Release capital as results happen.

Instead of issuing grants in advance based on an organization’s plans, Smart Grant™️ technology enables you to predefine criteria and release funding based on the validation of actions, synergies, and outcomes.

See Real-Time Data

Watch your donations at work, tracking progress live and witnessing change as it unfolds. Stay connected to your impact, with updates that reflect the immediate outcomes of your efforts.

Make Data-Driven Decisions

Equip yourself with powerful, intuitive data dashboards. Gloo Impact brings you insights that matter, helping you make informed, effective grant decisions.

"Gloo Impact has provided us with so much more data which gives us confidence that we are putting our money to good use."

Maclellan Foundation

Verified Impact Protocol

Trust through Transparency

The Verified Impact Protocol (VIP) is at the heart of the Gloo Impact platform. The VIP verifies each party in the exchange of value, ensures required data has been reported, and conditions have been met so that funds only move when defined outcomes are achieved.

Real-Time Progress Tracking

Track your impact live with the VIP. Follow your grant's journey from start to finish, witnessing the change you make.

AI-Assisted Verification

No matter the scale, AI-powered verification helps you track achieved outcomes based on criteria you've pre-determined.

Instant Payments

Once outcomes are verified, the VIP automatically releases sGrant funds to the Org , with automated tax compliance for legal assurance.


Designed Impact Funds

With VIP & sGrant tech, you can now power a cooperative funding model and 10x your impact. This creates a new role in philanthropy: The Impact Manager, who can now pool capital with like-minded donors and manage the vetting of the network organizations.

Pool Funds

Combine with others, amplifying each contribution. Pool funds for more impactful giving

Foster Collaboration

Use pooled capital to inspire nonprofits and providers to collaborate, aligning with shared goals

Solve Problems

Turn collective effort into solutions, addressing pressing issues with cooperative funding